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Taxi from Amsterdam Airport to City Center?

Taxi from Amsterdam Airport to City Center? The most comfortable way to get from Amsterdam Airport to the city is by taxi. Also, this option do not need to be expensive! Although the cheapest way to get from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport to the city centre is by train, it can take up much time and hassle. To travel with the public transport to and from the Airport with luggage is not the best option.
Fixed price

Schiphol Airport fromfrom/to Schiphol Airport

Schiphol taxi from from/to Schiphol Airport

How to transfer from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport to the city center?

Taxi from Amsterdam Airport to City Center. The best option to transfer from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport to the city center is by taxi! Oranje Taxi Service is where you have to go if you want cheap, affordable Airport Transfers in Amstedam. We provide taxis that operate 24/7; with a door-to-door service, taking you to the city centre in just 25 minutes, in normal traffic conditions. 

Cheap taxi

It is often a misunderstanding that a taxi is always expensive. YES, there are some companies that are taking advantage of travelers that arrive at the Airport. But… there are also companies that are asking a fair, low price and offer great services and quality. We from Oranje Taxi Booking are well known for our affordable airport transfers. That is because we offer fixed prices and do a lot of rides. That way we can keep the prices low and the service high!

Taxi from Amsterdam Airport to City Center? Our Top-Rated Rides

Service at Oranje Taxi Service is number 1! We strive for satisfaction with all our customers! Are you curious about our reviews? Then take a look here. Also if you have any questions, comments or would you like to make an appointment. You can call us (070 – 319 17 31), e-mail (info@oranjetaxiservice.nl) or contact us via the online form. Would you like to book an Amsterdam Airport Transfer? Call directly or arrange this online.

Book a taxi with Oranjetaxiservice.nl only has advantages:

  • The Airport taxi service in the Netherlands
  • Easy and fast: book a taxi 24/7
  • Book online through the booking system
  • Book a taxi from your PC, tablet or smartphone
  • Calculate your ride price immediately
  • Different payment options
  • Professional transport with qualified private drivers

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We score an 8.9

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